Tuesday, April 28

What Happens When We Die?


I have to begin this with bad news, some day you will die. 10 out of 10 people die. I don't say this jokingly either but you have to understand that 150,000 people die everyday around the world. A lot of the people who will die today have no idea they're going to die. So, it makes perfect sense for us to be concerned with what happens after we die. It is funny how we think we are being responsible by making plans for our future, but if you think about it, this life will come and go in a heartbeat, and then all that is left is eternity.


I want to tell you what the Bible says about death, and life after death. Maybe your saying to yourself, "Well I don't believe the Bible anyway so it really doesn't matter", or maybe you're saying, "The Bible has so many contradictions, who can trust it?". I really don't think the problem is that the Bible is not trustworthy, or that the Bible is not a reliable document, because it is, and I would stake my life on it. I Think the real problem that people have with the Bible is this: If the Bible is true, and God is real, that means I have to answer to Him one day. If God is real then some of us are in deep trouble because we have not obeyed Him.

The Bible says this:

And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgement... Hebrews 9:27


Have you ever watched the news and been upset because someone was murdered but the murderer was never captured? Have you ever heard of someone doing a "Hit and Run" and never getting caught? So many crimes are committed every day that go unpunished. It just doesn't seem fair that so many innocent children are hurt by evil people and get away with it. This really upsets me and it should upset you!


But wait there is something you should know! The Bible says that God has set a day when He will judge all the criminals for the crimes they have committed. Right now it might seem that people are getting away with murder and other crimes but the day is coming when all these criminals will be brought to justice. Murders, rapist, thieves, molesters, child abusers will all have to give an account to God. The Bible calls it Judgement Day.

The Bible says this:

For a day of anger is coming, when God's righteous judgement will be revealed. He will judge everyone according to what they have done. Romans 2:5-6


So you see, all the evil that is committed will be brought to justice. This is good right? But wait, the bible also says that God will punish liars, thieves, adulterers, drunkards and every kind of wicked act. This is actually bad news for us because we have all lied, most of us have stolen something in our lifetime and most of us have committed adultery(sex outside of marriage). If God is going to judge everyone according to what we have done we are all in big trouble.

The Bible says this:

But He will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness. Romans 2:8


The Bible says that God has prepared a place where he will punish criminals for eternity. The place is called hell. The Bible also refers to hell as the "Lake of Fire". The concept of hell is not popular and people don't like to hear about it, but the Bible makes it very clear that many people will end up in hell because they rejected God. I tell you these things because i don't want you to go to hell. I don't want anyone to go to hell.

The Bible says this:

And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15

The Bible says this:

But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshippers, and all liars- their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. Revelation 21:8


But wait, I have good news! The Bible says that God has made a way for us to be forgiven of our sins and avoid the fires of hell! Instead of punishing you and me on Judgement Day, God sent His Son to die on a cross 2,000 years ago and take the punishment that we deserve. Jesus Christ, who never sinned, became a sacrifice and satisfied the justice of God so that we could be set free. It's kind of like being a criminal in court waiting for your sentence to be announced, but the judge tells you that the charges are dropped because someone has already paid the priced for you. This is why Jesus died on the cross, because God loved you so much!

The Bible says this:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


So what do we have to do? Jesus said you must repent! That means you turn from your sinful life and turn to God. Jesus also said that you must put your faith in him as your savior. People don't go to heaven because they do good works, they go to heaven because of faith in Jesus Christ. Many people say they believe in Jesus but their lives don't show true repentance and faith. You can believe that a seatbelt will save your life in an accident, but unless you put the seatbelt on it will do you no good.

The Bible says this:

The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News! Mark 1:15

I pray that this article has helped you understand more about Jesus and why he died on the cross. I pray that as you read this that you would begin to think about the condition of your soul. God bless you.

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